Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 9 - The best things in life aren't things!

Today I tumbled upon this image and its stayed with me since then. A simple line which got me thinking.  The best things in life aren't things.
It was shared on FB by a dear cuzzie and I instantly warmed to it.
Life is not about what you buy, own, possess, ..its definitely not a thing. Its all about the many different experiences we live in our life time.
It means, instead of looking to buy that princess cut diamond ring, or that snazzy 4 wheel drive, indulge in new experiences with your near and dear ones, friends or may be just yourself. And that's what makes our life richer and fulfilling.
So its no surprise that when I look back into my childhood or  adolescent days or even when beyond my recent past, the only 'things' I remember are beautiful moments, varied adventurous experiences, joyous occasions and trying times which made me wiser. But definitely not when  I got my new toy, bought my new dress or car.

For instance, I have so many clothes in my cupboard and footwear in the shoe rack (like so many women I know). I still feel as if I don't have enough and moreover, any special occasion, I always find it difficult to pick an appropriate one to wear. Some times I even forget the existence of few pairs of fancy sandals or fine dresses which lie vacuously under a heap, completely unused. So next time I wish or crave to buy something new...whether clothes, shoes, books, jewellery, electronic item or a piece of furniture, I am definitely going to spend some time mulling over it. Whether I really need to buy or I can postpone the decision for another day.

But today is the day when I will do 'spring cleaning' to discard all things which I have been hoarding unnecessarily.  A fine day to decide their fate before they get packed off to (charity organization). A haven where I am sure they would be treated much better and appreciated as well.

In a nutshell, the mantra is to buy fancy items, gadgets only if you must and not just for snob value. However,  surely do indulge in a variety of experiences which will make your life richer and you a wiser and a better person!

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